
Rudolf Giffinger

Hans Kramar

Gudrun Haindlmaier

Florian Strohmayer
Rudolf Giffinger
Professor Dr. Rudolf Giffinger is an expert in analytical research of urban and regional development. His research mainly concentrates on intra-urban development, urban decay, segregation/integration as well as on urban/metropolitan competitiveness of selected cities and respective strategic issues. He published and edited books, journals and articles on that subjects. He chairs working groups and is member of networks primarily related to urban and regional development in Central and Southeast Europe. Rudolf Giffinger is professor in Regional Science and head of the Centre of Regional Science which is part of the Department of Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environmental Planning at the Vienna University of Technology.
Tel: +43 1 58801 280233 or 280201 (secret.)
Centre of Regional Science, TU Vienna
The Centre of Regional Science is part of the Department of Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology. The Centre of Regional Science takes Regional Science as an applied planning science. Its scientific understanding is based on relevant approaches from (regional) economy, sociology, economic and social geography, as well as planning and engineering sciences. The scientific staff comes from different scientific disciplines as regional science, planning studies, geography and computer sciences. Thus, the research efforts in form of projects have a broad range, reaching from research topics of urban and regional development issues in Europe to the small scaled evaluation of infrastructure investments or the local evaluation of single properties in real estate markets. In general, research initiatives are based on the funding through corresponding institutions, i.e. different framework research programmes of the EU, national and Viennese institutions or private firms.
Vienna University of Technology
Department of Spatial Planning
SRF Centre of Regional Science
Operngasse 11
1040 Vienna
Hans Kramar
Hans Kramar is assistant professor at the Regional Science Centre of the Department where he does research and teaching in the field of Regional Science and Economic Geography. His recent publications dealt with economic convergence and cohesion policy on a European scale and the spatial dimension of innovation.
Tel: +43 1 58801 280222
Centre of Regional Science, TU Vienna
The Centre of Regional Science is part of the Department of Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology. The Centre of Regional Science takes Regional Science as an applied planning science. Its scientific understanding is based on relevant approaches from (regional) economy, sociology, economic and social geography, as well as planning and engineering sciences. The scientific staff comes from different scientific disciplines as regional science, planning studies, geography and computer sciences. Thus, the research efforts in form of projects have a broad range, reaching from research topics of urban and regional development issues in Europe to the small scaled evaluation of infrastructure investments or the local evaluation of single properties in real estate markets. In general, research initiatives are based on the funding through corresponding institutions, i.e. different framework research programmes of the EU, national and Viennese institutions or private firms.
Vienna University of Technology
Department of Spatial Planning
SRF Centre of Regional Science
Operngasse 11
1040 Vienna
Florian Strohmayer
Florian Strohmayer is a junior assistant at the Centre of Regional Science. He is involved in conception and accompaniment of teaching units as well as research on application of spatial data, modelling and cartography. He also supports national and international Smart City projects in technical, management and dissemination matters, for instance the PLEEC project.
Tel: +43 1 58801 280228
Centre of Regional Science, TU Vienna
The Centre of Regional Science is part of the Department of Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology. The Centre of Regional Science takes Regional Science as an applied planning science. Its scientific understanding is based on relevant approaches from (regional) economy, sociology, economic and social geography, as well as planning and engineering sciences. The scientific staff comes from different scientific disciplines as regional science, planning studies, geography and computer sciences. Thus, the research efforts in form of projects have a broad range, reaching from research topics of urban and regional development issues in Europe to the small scaled evaluation of infrastructure investments or the local evaluation of single properties in real estate markets. In general, research initiatives are based on the funding through corresponding institutions, i.e. different framework research programmes of the EU, national and Viennese institutions or private firms.
Vienna University of Technology
Department of Spatial Planning
SRF Centre of Regional Science
Operngasse 11
1040 Vienna
Gudrun Haindlmaier
Gudrun Haindlmaier works as a project assistant at the Regional Science Centre of the Department. She is teaching statistics and methods of regional science. Her main research focus is on city rankings, strategic positioning and urban governance as well as the image of cities.
Tel: +43 1 58801 280212
Centre of Regional Science, TU Vienna
The Centre of Regional Science is part of the Department of Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology. The Centre of Regional Science takes Regional Science as an applied planning science. Its scientific understanding is based on relevant approaches from (regional) economy, sociology, economic and social geography, as well as planning and engineering sciences. The scientific staff comes from different scientific disciplines as regional science, planning studies, geography and computer sciences. Thus, the research efforts in form of projects have a broad range, reaching from research topics of urban and regional development issues in Europe to the small scaled evaluation of infrastructure investments or the local evaluation of single properties in real estate markets. In general, research initiatives are based on the funding through corresponding institutions, i.e. different framework research programmes of the EU, national and Viennese institutions or private firms.
Vienna University of Technology
Department of Spatial Planning
SRF Centre of Regional Science
Operngasse 11
1040 Vienna
TU Wien
Institut für Raumplanung
Forschungsbereich Stadt- und Regionalforschung
Karlsgasse 11, 1040 Wien, Austria
Tel. +43 1 58801 280221
Web-Development: Christian Erlinger-Schiedlbauer